
News Releases

Teen Pregnancy Prevention

Teen Pregnancy Prevention

The Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiative for the San Joaquin Valley is dispelling myths and changing perceptions.

The San Joaquin Valley reports some of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the nation even while California rates have declined. To address this crippling challenge, FRF was fortunate to have The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation come alongside us in 2007 to begin our Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) Grantmaking Initiative. Led by an expert Advisory Committee, this grantmaking program has approved 16 TPP proposals that include two-year,
$100,000 awards. The grants support medically accurate, comprehensive reproductive health programs that provide or link youth with clinical services.

The TPP initiative specifically targets rural and underserved communities that have required innovative methods to reduce teen pregnancies. The successes of our Grantees have proven that this issue is not unsolvable, as some may have believed.
These pictures represent six organizations receiving multi- year grants and making great strides with the youth in the Valley.

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