Fresno Regional Foundation

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Youth grants

Youth grants will fund:

  • youth programs that address the social, education, economic and health challenges in the community
  • programs that empower our youth
  • programs that promote youth civic engagement and service learning in the community

There is approximately $30,000 in funds available for programs targeted at parks or music. Fresno Regional Foundation will be granting $225,000 in the area of teen pregnancy prevention (see separate details and considerations for teen pregnancy prevention).

Important dates

July 24, 2008
1 p.m.
Bidders Meeting
United Way of Fresno County
4949 E. Kings Canyon Rd.
Fresno, CA 93727
August 7, 2008
5 p.m.
Application deadline. Applications are accepted anytime prior to the deadline. 
September 30, 2008 The board of directors and its grants committees will make final grant determinations, notifications and awards approximately September 30, 2008.

Grant amounts and duration

Fresno Regional Foundation will award approximately $365,000 in its youth grant cycle. Of that, $225,000 will be earmarked specifically for programs that address teen pregnancy prevention. Grant awards may range from $1,000 to $40,000.

Generally, funding for non-teen pregnancy prevention requests will be awarded for a one-year period but may vary depending on the amount of time necessary for grantees to meet the objective described in their funding request. All teen pregnancy prevention grants will be for a two-year period.

Important dates

July 24, 2008, 1 p.m. Bidders Meeting

August 7, 2008, 5 p.m. Application deadline 

Apply now 


©2008 Fresno Regional Foundation: 5260 North Palm Avenue, Suite 228, Fresno, CA 93704 | T 559.226.5600 | F 559.230.2078| Email

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