Interim Reports measure progress of multi-year grants. Final Reports reflect actual outcomes of funded grants. These reports provide information the Program Staff uses to evaluate impact of FRF grants. FRF is mindful of the time and effort required to gather data, complete, and submit reporting requirements. These reports are valuable and will be used.
Note: All fields are required in order to successfully submit your report. A budget is required with this report. Please use the template found here.
1. On the top of this page is your session time. If it expires, you may lose your data when you submit. You must save your work before your session expires.
2. Additional instructions and help is provided in the popup buttons next to each questions.
3. At the bottom of this form, you will be given the options to either "Return for Editing" or "Submit to FRF". Once you select "Submit to FRF", your submission will be deemed final and ready for FRF Program Officer Review.
4. Preferred web browsers
The Foundation's web-based services are designed to be used from a range of preferred browsers. FRF specifies a small number of "preferred browsers" with which its OLGA system is expected to work. Our OLGA system should work well with most browsers, but if you have difficulties, switching to one of the preferred browsers should help.