Mariam Stepanian, President and General Manager for Valley Public Radio was born in Selma, raised in Fresno, and graduated from California State University, Fresno, with a BA and MS in Psychology. Mariam began her career writing grants for the Marjoree Mason Center.

In 1980, Mariam took a position with Valley Public Radio as Development Director and in 1982 began her tenure as Station Manger. Later, she was promoted to President and General Manager. During her tenure at the station, she has managed the relocation of transmitters, the expansion into the Bakersfield and South Valley with a second station, KPRX, and two capital campaigns for relocation.

She takes great pride in the accomplishments of her Board of Directors, staff and volunteers. She says, “these are the hard-working individuals who are responsible for the organizations successes, both as a vital resource in the community and ultimately the cultural connection for the Central Valley and beyond.”

Mariam was honored to be invited to join the FRF board of directors. “Never before have I connected with so many interesting and interested individuals. I have watched this foundation for years and I believe what once was a small quiet community foundation is now ready to become a vital resource for the community. The Fresno Regional Foundation, like VPR is about changing the quality of life. These things appeal to my heart and intellect.”

When Mariam wants to have fun, she enjoys hot-air ballooning, entertaining, gardening and sharing time with her family. Sometimes, you can even see her on the back of her husband’s Harley.